Dear me.

Dear me.

Dear me,
Can we talk and let everything go.
I got some drinks.

Dear me,
I have some words I need to tell you.

Dear me,
Stop making everything complicated.

Dear me,
Stop refuging on your tears.

Hey, show yourself to the world.
Don’t be afraid.
Hey, I’m gonna pour my talent out.
I hope you do good.

Dear me,
I hope you have patience.
This gonna take some time.

Dear me,
Thank you for being brave.
I think you are doing great by far.

Dear me,
It’s okay to be scared.
Not everyone is a monster.
Have you met anybody?
You’ll meet amazing people.

Dear me,
I love how kindness you are to others.
Now try to treat yourself kindness.
I’ll be good, trust me.

Dear me,
You’ll thank me one day.

Karina, Greenville, USA