
Dear Yuri,

We have now been in isolation for more than a month and I have never felt more conflicted. This emotional rollercoaster gets longer and steeper every day. I feel both hopeful and defeated, proud of being human and furious at our immense stupidity. Time drags on, like a long piece of bubble-gum that a child keeps stretching to see how far it will go before falling apart. At the same time, it goes by faster than ever, and I can’t help but feel that I am wasting it, that I am allowing my life to pass me by without making the most of it, that these days in which the world seems to have hit the PAUSE button, will never return. They are forever lost in that false concept called Time.

When all of this started, I was continuously craving noise. I did chores around the house with the constant rumble of an old Netflix series, a movie a thousand times watched or a song a thousand times listened to, in the background. Now, I crave silence. Not just around the house, but in my head and in my heart. Silence from the terrifying statistics, from the funny memes, even from the conversations that happen every evening from window to window, after we applaud those who take care of us during this time.

But the only silence that really matters is that of a planet that is healing at vertiginous speed in front of our very eyes. A planet in which, free from our destructive interference, all forms of life are finally beginning to live in peace. This is the silence that we must bring into our ferociously craved return to normalcy. Only then will we finally become worthy of the precious gift that is our existence.

Parisa, Madrid, Spain