The Awakening

Dear Yuri,

This strange time has given me the time to reflect on what is truly important. It has enabled me to stop the mindless patterns I’d gotten myself into as a form of escapism. As I look outside to my field at the three pukekos who peck for worms I realise that I was only trying to escape from myself and now there is no escape.

I have finally learnt to love myself and appreciate my own company. I know who is important to me and who truly cares. They pick up the phone. I have purpose and direction once again. We spend our lives running around, working too many hours, consuming, looking for distractions when what we really all needed to learn was how to appreciate ourselves and what we already have.

I live alone with my two cats. I dance, I do yoga, I write and I teach 10 year olds from my sofa. I am content and look forward to seeing what will become of our planet.

Emma, Auckland, New Zealand