A Lost Wanderer

Dear Yuri,

It’s around 3 am, the sky is full of stars and a wanderer is lost in his thoughts with tears in his eyes, hope in his heart while determination in his dreams of pursuing goals.

He is wandering in thoughts of those lush green meadows, those fresh flowers, the sounds of that bird, that dazzling clouds and roaring thunders, that camping site and small broken kitchen, those tired yet happy faces of my team of hikers, yeah everyone, this wanderer is missing you.

I am missing the time I have spent while hiking through those marvelous mountains of Karakorum Range, those paths which carry thousands of determined hikers to their destination, missing the sounds of those rushing streams, that whisper of cold breezes, that cow which was staring at us, that dust on our faces which never washed away with first face wash, the scent of that dirt after rain, that mountain which was standing over there for so long, that sunset which was fading down with a lot of dreams, that sky full of stars and that moon which enlighten our path through its illuminating sparkling shines.

I am missing that bus stand from where I used to catch my bus for university, that campus’s gatekeeper who used to greet us with a smile in the early morning, that teacher who fulfilled his duties with honesty, that ringing of the phone of some student in the middle of class, that sleeping during the lecture and everyone and everything on and in the university campus.

But I am hopeful to get a chance to correct my mistakes and never repeat them again. I am hopeful after every dusk there comes the dawn. I am hopeful that life will be normal soon.

Shehzad, Peshawar, Pakistan