A Different Beat

Dear Yuri,

As Spring entered our world, came with it a harsh whirlwind of fear
A vortex, a force that was scary as it came near
Staying at home, my sister and I kept safe from afar
Watching the world go by through our window – left slightly ajar
To listen to sounds that came through from the outside
Birds chirping, people clapping – we felt comforted and unified

Looking out for people we could recognise
Harder as months passed by – people masked in disguise
From the outside looking in was a momentary glance
Limited by time to be out – completing tasks in a trance
I locked eyes by surprise with someone who’d been in my yoga class
Our eyes smiled as we let each other pass

A well trodden path being replaced by an obstacle course
Overcoming hurdles together- kindness a source
For a new currency – an antidote to soften the struggles of life
A comforting voice, a virtual hug, a selfless doctor, nurse, carer to ease strife
The old man following rules to limit his supermarket trips but not allowed three tins of food for his cat
Buying one as part of my quota allowance –he smiled and left saying thanks with a wave of his hat

I hope he is well and lockdown has been ok for him
I remember then life was full of busyness and rushing to fit everything in
Writing lists to remember to have work life balance, to get fit and have a good nights’ sleep
Now a ‘new norm’ for some of us- embracing a more melodic calmer beat
Feeling pride at my parents’ resilient outlook and us picking up their supermarket shop on a Friday
Lockdown ease and the breeze of Summer soon on its way

Wishing those who suffer and have suffered to be ok
A star shining brightly for everyone who has passed away.

Monomita, London, England