A Rather Philosophical Evening

Dear Yuri,

Isn’t it strange to look out the window and feel like a prisoner in freedom?
I suppose lockdown has given me plenty of time to wish I was anywhere else; the stars, or the moon maybe. I love the night sky, how we can look up and see burning balls of gas that fizzled out of existence before we opened our eyes. They seem so eternal and unchanging yet when we look at them we are gazing out of our window and into the past. That’s how life feels at the moment. Like I’m watching everything that could’ve been, and focusing on what hasn’t even happened yet. But that has a comfort to it- the present is full of liars and discord and cups of tea that have gone cold.
And it’s beautiful.
Not because of the sadness, of course not, but the unity that comes with it. More and more people are looking up, watching stars. Except, when we look up, we don’t. We are bound to this rock spinning at unimaginable speeds by a force we can’t see yet trust completely, and we still put ourselves beneath the stars. Us, humans, who constantly war about who is strongest, who has the biggest army, who can hold their breath longest. We put ourselves beneath the stars.
Perhaps one day we won’t, and that would be a pity. Because by accepting we aren’t the biggest thing in the world, we accept that we, as a whole, are together. And today, that is monumental. We aren’t him, her, them. We aren’t Chinese, or Scandinavian, or Jewish, or Christian, or atheist. We aren’t gay, or straight, black or white, young or old. We are human, and we are beneath the stars.

I don’t know, Yuri, I guess I’m feeling philosophical.

Molly, Wallasey, England