Finding My Inspiration Again

Dear Yuri,

Thoughts are running through my mind keeping me up all night, I find myself falling asleep only in the morning.

I find it weird that the whole world is on the same boat.

I’m staying in and also everybody else.

Before quarantine I decided to quit my previous job, the one I knew I had to quit anyways.

I started to study for GRE psychology test which wasn’t easy because I’m not a native English speaker.

The test got cancelled a week before and all of the sudden everything I had planned for next year got screwed.

I spent 3 nights crying over the fact that I read 600 pages in English and answered endless questions for a test that’s now cancelled.

Also, what am I supposed to do now?

I have no job and no plans..

I pulled my guitar, closed my eyes and played for hours, worked out a lot, watched live performs of my favourite artists, kept writing my book, wrote some new songs and found an inspiration that filled my soul with joy.

When is was time to celebrate Passover I felt so sad, we never has a Passover without everybody and I couldn’t be with my Grandmother because I was terrified of putting her at risk.

Passover evening was heartbreaking for me.

I try to do the best I can to keep everyone feel good.

I also try to do the best I can to lift my own spirit up. Which can be a struggle somedays.

I hope it will soon be behind us.

I am proud of my country Israel, the soldiers did grocery shopping for the elderly. People are helping each other and that is a beautiful thing to see and be a part of.

I hope that we will keep being good to each other and know now more then ever that we all need each other.

Coral, Tel Aviv, Israel