Lost in Thoughts All Alone

Dear Yuri,

If anyone told me that 2020 would look the way it did right now, I’d just laugh it off and dismiss the thought that it could’ve been a reality.

Wow did things change quickly.

I never thought as the class of “perfect vision,” we wouldn’t have a graduation but now it’s a living reality.

It’s ironic how our perfect vision isn’t so perfect after all.

I keep telling myself that the four years I spent working countless nights aren’t wasted, but it’s not working for God knows what reason. I knew this virus would worsen over time, but I didn’t expect to be held hostage via lockdown. In light of this, I always need to remember to be grateful for what I have, because this pandemic taught me to never take anything for granted, since it can be gone before you know it.

From late night music sessions to talking with friends to spending time with family to drawing,
lockdown has been manageable. Despite being 18 tomorrow, it feels like forever since I’ve been home even if only 2 months have passed. Each lingering day, I stare outside wishing I could experience the fresh breath of air again alongside the sense of freedom that comes with being there.

It was the last thing in my mind, being on lockdown and not being able to be out in the light of day, but just maybe I can look past this experience with this newfound knowledge. I always keep asking myself “When will life return to normal again?” because I miss pre-quarantine life and everything about it, especially hanging out with friends. For now, I hope that it’s in God’s will that life returns back to normal, or that new “normal” is redefined in some way, but time will tell…

Calvin, New Jersey, USA