
Dear Yuri,

Little did I know I would be here writing this words to you, but here I am. By looking at the stars I can see the light in between the tragedy.

Our skies are clearer, oceans are cleaner and sea life is returning to it, flowers are growing in the most remote places.
And people.. ohh! people are uniting through music and art, and although we can’t touch each other, we’ve never been closer and warmer.

Now that the world appears to have stopped spinning, I have to confess I mourn the time I lost looking at myself as an individual. I wish I knew sooner…

Sooner, that I am what others and nature nourish me with, and I am my action’s towards these “others”,
Sooner to have asked stranger how are they doing,
Sooner to have stopped working and pause for an instance to look into my mothers eyes and tell her: i love you!
Sooner to have been at my grandma’s and not be too busy to eat her meals.

Must say my dear friend, i wish i knew this sooner!!! Time may not travel backwards, but it has now stopped and this is a once in a blue opportunity we can’t let go.

And… while you find your way in all this chaos remember: there is no “others” because you are them too.

Ado, Montevideo, Uruguay